Apr 30, 2011

When they started celeberating May Day

When they started celeberating May Day

The International Workers' Day (also known as May Day) is a celebration of the international labour movement. It commonly sees organized street demonstrations and marches by working people and their labour unions throughout most of the world. May 1 is a national holiday in more than 80 countries. It is also celebrated unofficially in many other countries. May day integrates two issues together. The first issue is the commemoration of the 1886 Haymarket Massacre in Chicago and the second issue is the idea for a workers holiday.

The Haymarket affair occurred during the course of a three-day general strike in Chicago, Illinois, United States that involved common laborers, artisans, merchants, and immigrants. It started as an incident in which police opened fire and killed four strikers at the McCormick Harvesting Machine Co. plant.  On the following day a rally was called for  at Haymarket Square.  

The police moved to disperse the event and opened fire on the unarmed crowd. A bomb was thrown by an unknown assailant into the crowd of police. This left at least a dozen people dead, including one policeman. A sensational show trial ensued in which eight defendants were openly tried for their political beliefs, and not necessarily for any involvement in the bombing. The trial led to the eventual public hanging of four persons. 

Eight men stood trial for being "accessories to murder". They were August Spies, Fielden, Parsons, and five other anarchists who were influential in the labour movement, Adolph Fischer, George Engel, Michael Schwab, Louis Lingg and Oscar Neebe.The trial opened on June 21st 1886 in the criminal court of Cooke County.  The defence was not allowed to present evidence that the special bailiff had publicly claimed "I am managing this case and I know what I am about. These fellows are going to be hanged as certain as death".

On August 19th seven of the defendants were sentenced to death, and Neebe to 15 years in prison. After a massive international campaign for their release, the state 'compromised' and commuted the sentences of Schwab and Fielden to life imprisonment. Lingg cheated the hangman by committing suicide in his cell the day before the executions. On November 11th 1887 Parsons, Engel, Spies and Fischer were hanged.

About 600,000 working people turned out for their funeral. The campaign to free Neebe, Schwab and Fielden continued.On June 26th 1893 Governor Altgeld set them free. He made it clear he was not granting the pardon because he thought the men had suffered enough, but because they were innocent of the crime for which they had been tried. They and the hanged men had ben the victims of "hysteria, packed juries and a biased judge".

When Spies addressed the court after he had been sentenced to die, he was confident that this conspiracy would not succeed:
"If you think that by hanging us you can stamp out the labour movement... the movement from which the downtrodden millions, the millions who toil in misery and want, expect salvation - if this is your opinion, then hang us! Here you will tread on a spark, but there and there, behind you - and in front of you, and everywhere, flames blaze up. It is a subterranean fire. You cannot put it out"
The Haymarket incident was a source of outrage from people around the globe. In the following years, memory of the "Haymarket martyrs" was remembered with various May Day job actions and demonstrations. Here, you find a video for May day Celeberations in Ventura,CA.


Apr 28, 2011

You need a Loan Then You need A Fiscal Advisor

IF You need a loan then You need a  Fiscal Advisor.
Fiscal Advisors are needed at all stages of initiating, running and maintaining businesses. But the need to Fiscal Advisors is at premium when you need a loan. Fiscal Advisors provide expertise and assistance to clients in many areas including: financial planning and budget forecasting, capital planning and financing, bond and note financing, impact analysis on taxpayers and users, feasibility studies, credit rating review and analysis, lease financings, refunding analysis, investments, arbitrage rebate and accounting services.

In addition to the above mentioned areas of assistance Fiscal Advisors provides additional services related to capital projects including reinvestment of  borrowed proceeds, bookkeeping and completing requested  aid forms and Final Cost Reports.


Apr 27, 2011

What Is Behind Success Of Top Chinese WebSites

What Is Behind Success Of Top Chinese WebSites

Baidu.com (baidu.com): The leading Chinese language search engine, provides "simple and reliable" search experience, strong in Chinese language and multi-media content including MP3 music and movies, the first to offer WAP and PDA-based mobile search in China.

Baidu.com is ranked #7 in the world according to the three-month Alexa traffic rankings. The time spent in a typical visit to the site is approximately thirteen minutes, with 33 seconds spent on each pageview. Compared with internet averages, the site appeals more to Asians. The site is in the “搜索引擎” category of websites. Baidu.com has been online for more than eleven years.

The second chinese site according to Alexa ranking
is QQ.COM which is China's largest and most used Internet service portal owned by Tencent, Inc founded in November, 1998. Presently, Tencent is aiming its operations at the strategic goal of providing users with a "one-stop online life service". Tencent's communications and information-sharing services include QQ.com, QQ Instant Messenger, QQ Mail, and search engine SOSO. Linked up with heavily used features such as forums, chat rooms, and QQ Groups, Tencent's Qzone has grown into China's largest personal Internet space. These services foster group interaction and resource sharing. Virtual products have been successful in providing entertainment and customization options to users. Mobile phone users can take advantage of a number of value-added wireless services. Tencent's PaiPai.com is a C2C on-line shopping platform that seamlessly integrates into Tencent's other community platforms.As of June 30th, 2009, the number of registered QQ Instant Messenger users has reached 990.0 million. Active users numbered at 448.0 million. Peak concurrent users have reached 61.30 million. QQ Games platform counted about 6.2 million users simultaneously on-line. QQ.com has become China's most visited Internet portal website. PaiPai.com has also become China's second largest Internet shopping platform.

Qq.com has a three-month global Alexa traffic rank of 10, and search engines refer roughly 6% of visits to the site. The site belongs to the “门户网站” category. The site has been online for at least fifteen years. Compared with the overall internet population, QQ.COM appeals more to Asians

Sina.com.cn has a three-month global Alexa traffic rank of 13, and visitors to it view an average of 10.1 unique pages per day. This site has been online for at least twelve years. Sina.com.cn can be found in the “新闻” category. The fraction of visits to the site referred by search engines is about 14%.


Apr 25, 2011

When Easter Started to be celebarated

First of All Happy Easter to every one
Easter dates back to Ancient Egyptians. They used to celebarate coming of Spring by going out to gardens and fields where they enjoyed the nice weather after the rainy winter. At that time it was called Shemo, with the word shemo in Ancient Egyptian language to mean smelling the flowers.

Later, when christianity came they celeberated the resurrection of christ which happened to occur in approximately the same time of the year, so both ceelebrations joined together, and remained so in Egypt uptill nowadays.

When the Arabs came to Egypt, they recognised this festival and celeberated it together with the Egyptians at that time and the name was a little bit modified to become Sham Nesim.

But of course, Spring welcoming is a tradition in approximately every country in the world. Winter in the past was the season for crops cultivating with all the effort  it takes. Spring coming after that is the season for harvesting the winter crops and enjoying life with all nice things int it wealth, weather and beauty.

Again Happy Easter to Every one.


Apr 19, 2011

How to Improve Yourself

How To Improve Your Self

To improve onself is similar to improving any one else except in implementing the suggestions.
It is easy to suggest but difficult to implement. 

First, locate the shortage, the merrits, and the drawbacks. Before considering improving any system, which in this case is a person, and specifically is oneself, it is necceassary to
- analyse the system.
- diagnose its merits, shortages, and drawbacks.
- suggest remedy to shortages and drawbacks.
- suggest policies to maximize the gain that can be achieved with one's merits.

- suggest policies to minimize the effect of the shortages and drawbacks that cannot be remedied.

A person comprises the following in one:
- A body with restricted health and fittness capability.
- A brain with capabilities and weaknesses.
- A soul with needs of emotions, feelings and demands.
- A degree of capabilities and skills acquired by inherited talents and inteleigences, enhanced due to education and training.
- Habbits that affect all above.
- A surrounding envirnment that in turn comprises work, family, neighbours, and friends environment
- Capability to communicate advantageously with these circles is affected by and affects on all these sides of a person.
- A continuous awareness of the variations in the surrounding environment econimcally, socially, politically, and culturally.

Keep in mind that you have limited resources to spend over such improvement, these resources are:
- your money available to make the neccessary improvement.
- your time requested.
- your physical capability to withstand these requested improvements
- your emotional capability to withstand the requested improvements.

The following questions arise immediately:
- do I need additional continuing education? and if yes in which field and to what extent? and what is it going to revenue back?
- do I need to readjust some of my habbits to make me cope better with the work, family, neighbours, or friends? Stop-smoking for example?
- do I need to acquire some new hobby or hobbies that may attract new friendships and acquaintances with more potential for pleasure, happiness, success in work and bussiness?
- do I need to widen my scope of awareness of new trends in my bussiness?
- do I need to learn more on the topic of maximizing outcome to expenditure of my money, typical example is clothing, vacating, and nutrition.
- do I need to acquire new disciplines for better physical fittness such as jogging, golfing, or even Yoga-ing.
- do I need to look for better happiness-bringing books?

A separate post will concentrate on a method for quit-smoking chemicals-free.


Apr 10, 2011

If you need a loan, then you need a loan consultant

If you need a loan, then you need a loan consultant
Huge amount of Stimulus money will go toward rebuilding nations’ infrastructure. These projects will be contracted out to thousands of small and medium sized businesses nationwide. In addition to their everyday cash flow needs these businesses, and thousands more that they sub-contract with, will need immediate operating capital to purchase supplies, upgrade equipment and meet payroll. DON’T MISS OUT on this opportunity to get your piece of the Stimulus Package.

Some Useful Loan Consultants:

Apr 9, 2011

لماذا يهاجر بعض الناس الى كندا

لماذا يهاجر بعض الناس الى كندا
هناك عدة أسباب تجعل الكثير من الشباب والمراهقين يسعون للهجرة إلى كندا.
1 - كندا هي مكان ممتاز لتطوير قدرة الشباب والمراهقين للعيش.
2 - كندا لديها نظم تعليم شاملة وكاملة للطلاب لإنهاء المدرسة الثانوية والحصول على التعليم العالي..
3 - نظام التعليم الكندي يشمل كلا من المدارس الممولة من القطاع العام والخاص ، من الروضة حتى الجامعة.
4 - وفقا للدستور الكندي التعليم مسؤولية المقاطعات. معايير التعليم في جميع أنحاء البلاد مرتفعة بشكل موحد.
5 -- ومن بين الدول السبعة الأعظم تعتبر كندا هي الدولة التي تنفق أكبر نصيب الفرد في نظامها التعليمي بالمقارنة مع أي دولة أخرى في مجموعة ال 7 (الدول الصناعية السبع الكبرى). ولذلك ، المراهقين الهجرة إلى كندا سوف يمبروف كثيرا

بعض الشركات العاملة فى مجال الهجرة إلى كندا
