May 1, 2011

Why Some People Immigrate to Canada

Why some people migrate to Canada?
There are several reasons why so many young people and teenagers are seeking to immigrate to Canada.
1 - Canada is an excellent place to develop the capability of youth and teenagers to live.
2 - Canada's education systems have a comprehensive and complete programs that allow students to finish secondary school and access to higher education ..
3 - Canadian education system encompasses both of the schools funded by public and private sector, from kindergarten to university.
4 - According to the Constitution of Canada the Canadian education system provides a provincial responsibility that makes the standards of education in all parts of the country a high standard.
5 - Among the seven big countries (G7) Canada  is the the greater country that spends more per capita on its education system compared to any other country in the Group of G7 (seven major industrial nations). Therefore, adolescents immigration to Canada will continue to grow year after year.

Some companies operating in the area of im​​migration to Canada:

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